Environmental, Health and Safety Programs

Wellhead Protection Program

The University of Notre Dame Utilities Department operates and manages the campus potable water system. The University received Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) approval for its initial Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP) in 2004 and the University subsequently updated the plan in 2011 and 2016. The WHPP consists of management strategies to prevent groundwater contamination, as well as a delineation of the University’s Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA). The WHPA is determined through extensive groundwater modeling and establishes the geographical boundary that the University is committed to protect from groundwater contamination. A copy of the IDEM-approved WHPP is available for onsite review at the Utilities Department, 100 Facilities Building. A map of the University’s WHPA is available.

Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report

2023 Notre Dame Consumer Confidence Report

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP) – Construction Site Storm Water Runoff

The University is permitted by the IDEM to discharge stormwater runoff from construction sites throughout campus. The University Utilities Department is a designated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and is required to have permits for all construction sites with land-disturbing activities of greater than one acre. The appropriate University departments and contractors perform regular inspections of site erosion control measures to ensure their adequacy and permit compliance.

Industrial Stormwater Permit – Industrial Site Storm Water Runoff

The University is permitted by the IDEM to discharge stormwater runoff from its industrial area (Utilities Complex). The University performs annual stormwater sampling, testing, and reporting in compliance with this permit.

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer General Permit (MS4GP) – Storm Water Quality Management Plan

The IDEM requires the University to develop a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) that culminates with the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that address six minimum control measures. These BMPs prevent or minimize the impact of stormwater runoff into off-campus water bodies.

  1. Public Education and Outreach
  2. Public Participation and Involvement
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control (Rule 5)
  5. Post - Construction Storm Water Runoff Control (Rule 5)
  6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

Non-Contact Cooling Water Discharge Permit

This IDEM issued permit allows for the use of non-contact cooling water from St. Joseph Lake in the operation of the Power Plant. This non-contact cooling water is used to cool plant equipment and is returned to the lake without contamination. Monthly water quality sampling and reporting are performed to ensure the water quality of the lake is maintained.

Boiler 4 Dewatering Bin and Reverse Osmosis Reject Water Discharge Permit

This IDEM-issued permit allows for the discharge of the Boiler No. 4 Dewatering Bin which also includes reject water from a reverse osmosis system to St. Joseph Lake. Monthly water quality sampling and reporting are performed to ensure the water quality of the lake is maintained.

Integrated Contingency Plan and Spill Prevention and Contingency Control Plan

The Utilities Department and the Risk Management and Safety Department maintain an Integrated Contingency Plan (ICP) that consolidates and enhances existing University procedures to prevent spills and respond in a unified manner to contain and clean up any potential hazardous spills.

Title V Operating Permit

This IDEM-issued permit consolidates all existing campus air emission sources of regulated pollutants into one permit document that specifies emission limits, compliance monitoring methods, and record-keeping and reporting requirements. The Title V is reviewed every five years to ensure that all requirements are kept current with regulations. The University’s first Title V permit was issued in June of 2004, and has been updated several times since then as equipment and processes are added or removed.

Report Illegal Dumping

If you observe illegal dumping or if you see anyone pouring something into a storm drain inlet, please call the Notre Dame Utilities Department at:

(574) 631-6594 or e-mail the department at utildept@nd.edu.

Illegal dumping is the disposal of waste in an area where it is not permitted. Another form of illegal dumping involves putting debris or pouring anything other than stormwater runoff into a storm sewer inlet.

Debris or waste dumped down a storm sewer inlet can cause water pollution. At the University, storm sewers empty directly into St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s lakes, which then discharge to the St. Joseph River. Material dumped into a storm drain will end up in a water body without any sort of water quality treatment.

When you call or e-mail to report illegal dumping, it is helpful to have the following information:

  • Location of the dumping
  • Time the incident was observed
  • Description of what was being dumped
  • Vehicle description if a vehicle was involved
  • License plate information