McCourtney Hall

McCourtney Hall, located on the east side of the Notre Dame campus near Hesburgh Library, is a 220,000-square-foot building underwritten by a $35 million gift from the McCourtneys. McCourtney Hall is the first dedicated research building  constructed in a planned larger East Campus Research Complex. The research quad will create, for the first time at Notre Dame, a space for highly collaborative, state-of-the-art research that crosses the Colleges of Science and Engineering. The building supports research space needs that were previously unmet on campus and facilitate current Strategic Research Initiatives and the Advancing Our Vision hiring plans within the molecular sciences.

The three-story McCourtney Hall has some 100,000 square feet of open laboratory and team spaces. It includes two wings and a central collaborative core for faculty offices and conference rooms. Construction was completed in August 2016.

Project Details

Construction Start Date
Spring 2014
Occupancy Date
Fall 2016
Gross Square Footage
LEED Status

Additional Project Information