Waste not, during McKenna Hall’s reconstruction

Author: NDWorks

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When McKenna Hall closed in August for reconstruction, little went to waste (or the landfill). Under the direction of Facilities Design and Operations, the University saved projectors, monitors, telephones, railings, sinks, faucets and toilet valves to be used elsewhere on campus. Several buildings and departments benefited from 693 pieces of quality furniture and fixtures. One of two pianos went to St. Adalbert Catholic Church in South Bend, while the other went to Morrissey Hall. General Services received the most pieces: 336. The items included stacking chairs, folding tables, coat racks, stanchions and podiums, which they will use when setting up events across campus. To the right is a rundown of where items went.


Originally published by NDWorks at ndworks.nd.edu on October 04, 2019.