Temporary parking restrictions in Hesburgh Library circle, B2 library lot

Author: Department of Facilities Design & Operations

Parking in the Hesburgh Library circle will be temporarily disrupted by ongoing construction beginning Monday, June 6. Parking spaces on the east side of the circle will be unavailable. Drivers will still have access to spaces on the west side of the circle.

Mccourtney Library Parking Lot

On Wednesday, June 8, parking access will shift in the B2 library lot (see map) as construction associated with the McCourtney Hall research facility enters a new phase. Drivers will regain access to parking spaces in the lot’s northeast section, at the corner of Bulla Road and Leahy Drive. The east portion of the lot along Leahy Drive will be closed through Tuesday, July 5.

Thank you for your patience. Suggestions and comments for the Parking Office are welcome and can be submitted via email at parking@nd.edu.