Stinson-Remick Hall receives LEED Gold Certification!

Author: Robyn Pola

After years of planning and two years of construction, Stinson-Remick Hall received LEED Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.  The building was completed at the end of 2009 and opened for classes in January 2010.  The formal dedication and blessing of the building took place on September 3, 2010.  Several of the items that allowed the building to achieve LEED Gold Certification are as follows:

  1. Water saving plumbing fixtures will save 130,850 gallons of water per year
  2. Reused a previous building site so green space was preserved; the original building was completely recycled
  3. Energy recovery system installed on the lab exhaust system will save about $65,724 per year and will provide a payback in 7.5 years
  4. Specified low VOC (volatile organic compound) materials for most interior materials, carpet, glues, sealants, paints, etc.
  5. Installed white roof membrane to reduce heating load on the building in the summer months
  6. Native landscape & drip irrigation system saves 51% of normal water usage (165,519 gallons in July)
  7. The building has showers to promote bicycle commuting
  8. There are over 76 electrical metering points tracking the building's electrical usage

Overall building energy reduction features:

  • reclaiming the heat from the exhaust air and   using it to heat incoming outside air
  • using the cold lab make-up incoming air in winter to provide cooling to the clean rooms
  • using occupancy control to turn off lights and reduce air flow when the space is unoccupied
  • lighting design reduction of 14%
  • 95.76 % of the materials by weight (7,100 tons) that left the jobsite as construction waste recycled
  • Many of the building materials used were manufactured within 500 miles of the job site (e.g. clay pavers, rebar for the concrete structure, brick, all the structural steel, all the concrete (approximately 8,000 cubic yards)
  • Large extent of materials originated from recycled content (e.g. reinforcing steel for the masonry walls consists of 85 % post consumer and 15 % pre-consumer content)
  • The building was flushed with filtered outside air after construction prior to occupancy to ensure that all off-gassing of materials had been cleaned from the building prior to occupancy (approximately 2.0 billion cubic feet of air were flushed through the building)

To view further details and pictures, please click Stinson-Remick.