Hesburgh Library construction update

Author: Department of Facilities Design & Operations

On May 11, the 10th floor will be closed to the public and will remain inaccessible until completion of renovation of that floor at the end of 2015.  Asbestos abatement will begin on May 18, and continue until mid-June.  As a result, up to two of the four elevators will be dedicated at times to renovation work occurring on the 10th floor and not available for public use.
2nd Floor Window Installation
Installation of the new windows on the north side of the 2nd floor will be taking place in early May.  This work will be visible from the exterior of the building on the north side, as well as through the on-site construction viewing windows and webcams.  
The following work continues:
• Work continues in the Lower Level to allow for electrical, data, and piping infrastructure. There will be intermittent noise and activity in some public areas.
• On the first and second floors, you may experience some intermittent noise and odor from steel cutting and welding.

Remember -- timelines will ebb and flow throughout the project. We will do our best to alert you to significant increases in construction noise levels whenever possible.

 VIEW CONSTRUCTION MAPS at renovation.library.nd.edu
Site logistics and construction maps are available online. They indicate which areas of the library are accessible during the course of the renovation and alternate traffic routes for users.