Embodying the University's Values

Author: Jaime Sanchez

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Tyron McGhee, maintenance supervisor for Facilities Design and Operations, received the Presidential Values Award for embodying Notre Dame's values. This past year, he has been a part of a DEI committee newly formed within the FDO as EquityFDO Events and Education Committee. McGhee shines through his dedication to DEI by his positive energy as well as his active role in assisting with the many planned events over this past year. In addition, McGhee also serves on both the EquityFDO Steering Committee and Communications Committee. Both of these champion efforts around diversity, equity and inclusion within the division. Some of the events McGhee has either led or assisted that promote DEI are Field Day, Walk the Walk Week and a cultural potluck. McGhee also coordinated a division-wide event on April 23 for FDO to partner with the South Bend Heritage Foundation. This event, named Rebuilding Together, helped the nearby community make repairs to 15 homes in the community.